"It's All About Attitude" Loving and Living Well with Autism by Gayle Nobel
Who published it?
Desert Beach Publications
Desert Beach Publications
When was it released?
April 2006
What inspired you to write the book?
After homeschooling for 11 years, my son (who has autism) went off to school and I began to reflect on the lessons I had learned and was learning in being his mom and living daily with autism. I realized I had chosen a different perspective than the norm and thought it could help others living in similar situations to love and live well- live happier with whatever challenges they faced, particularly autism. I was inspired by the parents who read some of my initial writing and told me it had made a tremendous difference for them.
What is your favorite chapter in the book and why?
Moments of Love- It is a celebration of what's truly important with our kids- those tiny moments of love that show up within our days and sometimes in the midst of our struggles. Brings us back to what's beautiful and what's real- sometimes we forget to notice. Moments of Love spotlights the good stuff and reminds us to stop, enjoy and appreciate.
Do you have other books you have written? If yes, what are they?
No, but my second book should be out within the next year.
Is there a particular event that stands out to you that helped you become an author?
Back in 1999,I read an editorial about a professor who believed it was ok to kill infants who are born, as he says "inconveniently disabled" within the first few months of life. He believed it is not morally equivalent to killing a person. I had a very strong (negative) emotional reaction to this and wrote an essay, "The Gift of Kyle" as a response. (Kyle is my son who is severely affected by autism.) With that essay, I found my writing voice. The response from people I shared it with was very positive and powerful.
Was there a person in your life who believed in you more than you believed in yourself? If so, who was that person?
Yes, my coauthor Kathy Almeida and my husband, Neil Nobel.
What advice would you give to writers wishing to have their works published?
Go for your dream! Learn all you can about the publishing business. Be persistent and don't give up. Consider self publishing. Be patient with yourself and the process.
Who is your favorite author?
Jodi Picoult
Do you have an author website? What is it?
Yes, http://www.autismwithattitude.com/
What is your favorite quote?
"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
~Albert Einstein
Go for your dream! Learn all you can about the publishing business. Be persistent and don't give up. Consider self publishing. Be patient with yourself and the process.
Who is your favorite author?
Jodi Picoult
Do you have an author website? What is it?
Yes, http://www.autismwithattitude.com/
What is your favorite quote?
"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
~Albert Einstein
Thank you Gayle for the interview! I wish you the best with your book and writing adventure! ~Wendy
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